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Online Presence

Unlike my mom or dad I grew up with social media and it has always been a significant part of my life. I remember when I was 12 years old I created my own Facebook page. At that point most everyone in my middle school had a Facebook account and so I began to friend the other kids in my class. We used to all post on each other's timelines, post about middle school drama, make relationship statuses when we dated someone new, and constantly message each other after school. Now thinking about it, this was the beginning of my digital footprint. I regret having a Facebook account so young. My embarrassing messages from middle school will always be in someone else’s inbox and while I tried to delete most embarrassing stuff from my younger days on social media there are still comments that I may have made on other people’s wall that I’ll never be able to find or take down. (Pictured below middle school dramatics 2012) My 2012 Post About A Boy I Liked In 14 year old Sonia Bokhari’s article,

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