The History and Workings of the US Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is the head of the judicial branch and is known as the highest court in America. It was established by the US Constitution in 1789 and since then has been altered, reformed, and reshaped into the most suitable format for it’s duties and operations. It has the power to make impactful decisions, it is the ultimate jurisdiction over laws, and has the ability to check other branches. 

When the Supreme Court was first established no decisions were made at the first few meetings, they were solely held to discuss operational and organization terms. They decided there would be six justices, with the Chief Justice being the highest, who would serve in their positions until they passed away or retired. This number has since changed to nine seats after being altered throughout the past 200 plus years. As of 2017, there have been only 113 justices that have served on the Supreme Court which goes to show the longevity of the occupation. The nine justices are appointed by the President of the United States and the US senate then has to accept or deny the nominated candidates. 

The supreme court has done some incredible things to shape America into what we know of it today and there have been some influential justices who have taken part in reforming laws to create lasting impacts. One of my favorite Justices was Earl Warren who worked towards creating a more just and equal America. He issued several monumental decisions that started the movement towards a more equal America including decisions from cases such as: Brown V Board of Education which abolished school segregation and Loving V Virgina which abolished laws that prohibited interracial marriage. 

Recently, a very noteworthy and remarkable Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, passed away. She definitely left her mark on America because people were left distraught on the day of her passing and took to social media to express their condolences. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a role model for young women everywhere and stood for female equality and women's rights. In decisions she was powerful, strong headed, and empathetic. Her legacy will continue to hold strong in the hearts of Americans. “Women will only have true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation.”



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