Eight Values of Free Expression - Watchdog Theory

As Americans we have the right to express free speech as written in our US Constitution, this is a right that many countries are still not so fortunate to have. It is so important that we understand this right and exercise it in all it’s possible uses. The eight values of free speech are all theories that scholars use to explain why the first amendment is so crucial and why our freedom of speech is so important to use as American citizens. 

One of these eight theories that I find very interesting and representative of our democracy is the “Check on Governmental Power” theory also known as the watchdog theory. This theory displaces power from the government and creates a unified balance between citizens and government by giving citizens the ability to check the government. This theory talks about how through our right to freedom of press we are able to write, read, and learn about when someone from the government abuses his or her power. In this theory when we learn about the abuse of power we have the ability to make a change through voting if we feel the need to do so, this is when impeachment happens etc. As a democracy we have a checks and balances system in place so as not to have too much power in one place. 

Recently, people have been taking to social media to express their feelings of unease at Donald Trump’s attempt to undermine our democracy. Some people have been referring to Trump’s unwillingness to accept defeat as “Trumpgate”. 

"All attempts by Trump & Co. to undermine the election—or subvert its results—must be systematically resisted. We the people cannot, and will not, let our beloved democracy die."

Trump has been abusing his power and his platform to threaten our system of voting by making false claims of voter fraud and miscounting ballots. Tom Weis wrote an article stating why he thinks Trumpgate is far worse than Watergate and why Americans should be appalled by it, he wrote, 

“Our nation is being pushed to the breaking point by an endless cascade of calculated assaults on the truth designed to distract, divide and conquer – attacks on reality that threaten not only the freedoms our Founders risked their lives for, but the freedoms countless veterans fought and died for. America only exists today because we defied a king to form a government of, by, and for the people. Freedom is exercising our right to kneel in support of racial justice, not kneeling before a King Donald.

Fortunately, as we discussed the watchdog theory we have the ability to use our freedom of speech and press to learn about these things and check our government when they are abusing power alike in this instance. Because of our checks and balances system we as citizens of the US hold power as well.






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