Why do we Never Hear About Anti War? - Hidden Media

In America we hear so much about war and the celebration of American war victories. We have pride in our country, look to our military and veterans as heroes and often celebrate them. The media boosts American ego and pumps our society with pro-war propaganda. We are so fueled with American pride and wanting to be “the best country” that we are blinded to any media that goes against this. Why do we never hear about anti-war in the mainstream media?

War is rooted within our society and media as it is blindly fed to us. It is in the video games that we play, the movies we watch, and the superheroes that we look up to. We have a superhero called Captain America who fights communism. This is war propaganda that's purposely rooted in our media. America has created an echo chamber of war advocacy. The echo chamber boosts the idea of “American pride” and shields the ethics and morals of what is really happening overseas. Media never shows the gruesome deaths, the wrongdoings, innocent civilians killed.

Anti war websites go against the government's agenda. In order to maintain power you have to control and be able to sway the masses. If you give everybody a sense of options that control becomes more diverse. The only thing that I can compare it to is my own university - High Point (HPU). HPU has massive scandals that they are able to seamlessly cover up and then instantly move forward and persuade it’s student body to have, school spirit and “Panther Pride!”. Without saying too much and getting in trouble with my own university (fear) there was a massive national episode on an HPU scandal and it somehow goes unnoticed. Why do people not stop to question it? Because they are too scared? Want to go along with everybody else? OR because we are distracted with how prideful we are about our University? Distracted about how prideful we are with our country?





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