Someone Else's EOTO - Emojis

While listening to everyone else’s presentations in my class I was most intrigued by the evolution of emojis. Emojis are something that I use everyday but don’t put much thought or consideration into. Nowadays a lot of communication happens virtually whether that be through texting or emailing. It is very hard to interpret someone's tone of voice through texting so communication can be misconstrued or read wrong, that’s why I always use emojis to let the person receiving my message know the way I mean for my message to be intended.

Using art and symbols to display meaning or create a message dates back to ancient times in Egypt when hieroglyphics were drawn on tomb walls. When the internet was developed it was all text based and there was no such thing as emojis or text symbols. On Facebook people started to use keys to create what people realized looked like little faces, like :( or :). People used these characters to interact with facebook posts or to post to their own timeline, indicating whether this was a happy or sad post. In 1999 the first emoji was created by a Japanese artist, Shigetkata Kurita. The name emoji came from the Japanese word where “e” means picture and “moji” means character, picture character. Kurita drew 176 of these picture characters which have now evolved into the emojis we have now on our devices and use for messaging or interacting on social media. Since 1999 the emoji pictures have become clearer and more have come out with updates as people look for different ones to use. Pictured below is the evolution of what the characters first looked like and what they look like now.



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