Where'd you Hear the News?

Nowadays, with the rise in technology and new developments in social media there are so many different places to receive our news from rather than just the television or the newspaper. My main source of news is actually usually from social media apps such as Snapchat or TikTok. I usually hear of things going on in the world from these apps before I hear of it from anywhere else. When the explosion happened in Lebanon I had not heard about it until I was scrolling through TikTok and a girl from Lebanon had posted a video to inform everyone.  She was recording herself for something different when the explosion went off and you could see her face change, she then showed the smoke and how close her house was to everything. From her video I immediately exited the app and searched for an article on the internet to get further information. This brings me to my second source of information, articles on the internet. Most of the times I will click on articles from the Washington Post, the New York Times, or BBC because I know that they are reliable. The problem with receiving news from articles on the internet is that I had to have already heard a bit of information to search for the articles, they will not send notifications for when something has occurred. Oddly enough, I hear a a lot of news from my Grandfather. He can't do much lately so he sits in his recliner with the news on in front of him all day and he often sends reports into our family group chat. One resource that I never use to hear of news is from news stations on the televisions. I cannot remember the last time I watched television or cable TV. I do not have a television at school and my television at home is not set up for cable because now we only use Apple TV, Netflix, and Hulu. 

I would like to expand my source base and the outlets that I am using to receive my news from. The main reason I would like to do this is to be more on top of what is happening in our world and our Country. I do not want to be behind and I do not want to be naive, but well informed. 


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